Saturday, August 3, 2013

The oniric and surreal sculptures and art installations by Ángela Lergo

Ángela Lergo is an spanish artist who produces sculptures and arranges them in beautiful and dream like art installations. Her sculptures reveals both an skilled mastery of human anatomy and a sense of surrealism when she modifies bodies or shows just parts of them. Along with the set design of installations, the result are figures floating in a dream world.

Appreciate the oniric and surreal sculptures and art installations by Ángela Lergo:

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism The inner sea

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism The inner sea

"The inner sea"

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism they fusion and make the metals of my memory

"they fusion and make the metals of my memory"

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism From the bottom of a mirror

"From the bottom of a mirror"

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Baroque

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Baroque


Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Even in the darkest hours

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Even in the darkest hours

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Even in the darkest hours

"Even in the darkest hours"

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Air

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Air

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Air


Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Red desert

"Red desert"

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism I Will

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism I Will

"I Will"

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Portrait of eternity

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Portrait of eternity

"Portrait of eternity"

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Salustiano with statues eye

Ângela Lergo sculptures and art installations dream surrealism Salustiano with statues eye

"Salustiano with statue's eye"

Images from Ángela Lergo website. Via Beautiful/Decay - Still Sculptures Evoke Dream-like Performances.

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